Sorrow and repentance in Brazil

Our Sisters in Brazil were led to extend their ministry of reconciliation to the large indigeneous population of Brazil. After learning how much injustice and suffering was inflicted upon them through the white man, they began praying for a way to express their sorrow and repentance. The Lord opened up for them a wonderful door through the National Indian Council of Pastors and Leaders known as CONPLEI. The leaders of this organization were deeply moved by the sister’s desire to express their sorrow and provided an opportunity for them to have an act of reconciliation at their national conference.

This expression of love and repentance was especially appreciated by one leading Pastor among the Ticuna Indians, Pastor Eli Ticuna. He invited the sisters to come to his remote Indian village and share this request for forgiveness. In his area the message of the gospel was not transforming lives, there seemed to be a hinderance and he felt that it was the bitterness and unforgiveness in the hearts of many Christian Indians towards the white man. If someone would come and ask for forgiveness, this would break these bondages and allow the Gospel message to penetrate deeper into their hearts.


Our sisters traveled to the furthest corners of the Amazons to reach this tribe. The journey was very long involving planes, boats, cars, walking and even a motorbike ride. All just to say, “I’m sorry for what you suffered, please forgive us”. The Indians received the sisters with much love and their positive reaction made the long journey worthwhile. One man came up to the sisters and said – “You have taken the bitterness out of my heart”.


You can learn more about this Ministry of Reconcilation and the Indian Organization CONPLEI by watching one of these videos:


CONPLEI – Building God’s Kingdom Together


CONPLEI – Native Indian Congress 2012


Friends of CONPLEI


CONPLEI – Gottes Wirken unter den Eingebornen



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