Kanaan Message for Today
You are plagued by bitter thoughts and accusations against your fellow beings. You cannot understand why God allows them to do you so much harm. God, however, wants to help you. He warns you that your thoughts are going in the wrong direction and that you are unhappy, having linked yourself with Satan, the Accuser, who always makes us feel depressed. Instead of accusing others, accuse yourself for the trouble you cause God every day with your sins and for the distress you have already caused many others. Thank the Lord for being gracious to you nonetheless, and then be kind to your neighbour. Thank God for His love in wanting to free you from your accusations against others by showing you your own faults. Now the moment has come when God wants to help you, cleanse you, free you from a critical attitude — and fill your heart with peace. Accept His help.
Taken from Father of Comfort by M. Basilea Schlink
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Kanaan Message for Today
Friday, 20/12/2024
Jesus says to us, ‘Unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven’ —...