Kanaan Message for Today
Jesus teaches us to pray, “Your will be done.” And this is to our advantage, for, when praying this way, we exclude the possibility that our self-will is done. Because our will is limited and inclined to err, having our own way does not guarantee happiness. Indeed, it is more likely to have the opposite effect. But if God’s will is done, then that is the will of perfect wisdom and of perfect love. We do not know what is good for us; only God does. So pray with the complete surrender of your will and desires, “Your will be done.” In surrendering to His will unreservedly, you will have made the best choice for your life. The loving will of God will lead you to the supreme goal – the heavenly glory.
Taken from Father of Comfort by M. Basilea Schlink
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Kanaan Message for Today
Tuesday, 24/12/2024
Rejoice every day like a child looking forward to Christmas. The heavenly Father has lovingly prepared wonderful surprises for you....