Kanaan Message for Today
Do you think that God is fighting against you? Trust that whenever God seems to be fighting against you, He is actually fighting for you. He is your loving Father and always will be. Only sometimes does He act as if He were an enemy — as He once did with Jacob — in order to challenge you to a persevering battle of faith. Like Jacob, you should constantly repeat, ‘I will not let You go, unless You bless me.’ God wants you to emerge victorious from such wrestling in faith. He wants to make you a channel of blessing, one to whom He can entrust great commissions. (Genesis 32)
Taken from Father of Comfort by M. Basilea Schlink
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Kanaan Message for Today
Monday, 23/12/2024
Everything seems hopeless. You can see only obstacles, difficulties, impossibilities. Make use of the lever which can lift and remove...
answered prayer blessing child of God comfort distress Easter Faith Faith in God Father fear forgiveness glory God's commandments God's compassion God's help God's love God's will God cares God is love God the Father Gott lieben grace happiness Heavenly Father help humble Jesus' Victory joy miracles obedience peace Prayer problem problems protection repentance reward suffering surrender tears Trust trusting God trusting God's love trust in God victory