Kanaan Message for Today
You are faced with failure. You have struggled unsuccessfully. God in His love always has a way to help you, and that help can also work retrospectively. So sing of victory, especially now in the face of defeat, when you cannot see any evidence of victory. And your defeat will be transformed into victory, for faith can achieve great things, even redeeming the past. Failure can be transformed into victory, because the Father’s love is so great.
Taken from Father of Comfort by M. Basilea Schlink
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Kanaan Message for Today
Saturday, 28/12/2024
Trust, believe, don’t throw away your confidence — this is Scripture’s repeated message. Believe that God loves you. Believe that...
answered prayer blessing child of God Christmas comfort distress Easter Faith Faith in God Father fear forgiveness glory God's commandments God's compassion God's help God's love God's will God cares God is love God the Father Gott lieben grace happiness Heavenly Father help humble Jesus' Victory joy obedience peace Prayer problem problems protection repentance reward suffering surrender tears Trust trusting God trusting God's love trust in God victory