Kanaan Message for Today
By His disciplinary measures God wants to rescue individuals and nations from the misery caused by their own sin. The judgments of God are an appeal for people to turn from paths of sin, so that they might experience deliverance and salvation. Do not resist God’s discipline. Judgment carries with it a tremendous offer. For you, too, grace lies hidden in judgment.
Taken from Father of Comfort by M. Basilea Schlink
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Kanaan Message for Today
Monday, 23/12/2024
Everything seems hopeless. You can see only obstacles, difficulties, impossibilities. Make use of the lever which can lift and remove...
answered prayer blessing child of God comfort distress Easter Faith Faith in God Father fear forgiveness glory God's commandments God's compassion God's help God's love God's will God cares God is love God the Father Gott lieben grace happiness Heavenly Father help humble Jesus' Victory joy miracles obedience peace Prayer problem problems protection repentance reward suffering surrender tears Trust trusting God trusting God's love trust in God victory