Kanaan Message for Today


Are you discontented? That is not what God wants. God, who loves all His children, wants them to be happy and contented. The way to contentment starts by realizing the source of our discontent, and by turning from it. The proverb ‘The more you have, the more you want’ says it all! The more we want for ourselves, the more dissatisfied we become. That is a spiritual law. But the more we surrender to God in the way of time, energy, love, prestige and rights, the more satisfied we become. Such is the substance of Jesus’ challenge when He says, ‘He who loses his life for my sake will find it.’ When you start giving up things instead of making demands on God and people, you will experience how God’s loving plan for your life is being fulfilled. Do that. Your discontent will yield, and peace and joy will fill your heart (Matthew 10:39).

Taken from Father of Comfort by M. Basilea Schlink




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