Kanaan Team

“You were created
and redeemed to focus on
Jesus – on Him alone.
Widen your horizons; don’t stay
trapped in your own small
and limited world.
Live instead in the fullness of
His world, and you will see the
wonders and glory of God.”



…draws us close to God,
bringing us the fulfilment of our deepest desires.


As we worship the Lord God Almighty, our problems and worries pale into insignificance. They are short-lived and will pass, but God is eternal! Kneeling in awe before the thrice holy God as pardoned sinners we find life’s deepest meaning.
When we worship God in His magnificence, eternal majesty and power, Satan must flee. Our hearts are filled with peace and confidence.

where the steepest mail route in Europe ends in glorious alpine scenery is a small chapel. It’s an unusual bus ride, and the chapel has an unusual mosaic from Revelation 14:7, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come.”

Praise and worship: of course! But this verse about judgment halts us in our tracks. God’s coming judgments will be global, affecting everyone on earth; no place will be spared. In His deep love for us, God sends out a wake-up call for all to hear.

Drifting away from the fear of God – or even consciously rejecting Him – we may initially feel a sense of relief. But this newfound “freedom” will in fact enslave us, for we are not entering neutral territory. Coming out from under His hand of blessing and protection, we automatically come under an alien influence, leading us daily deeper into captivity.

What can we do to stay in God’s protection zone? Wherever we may live and whoever we may be, the same protective measures apply. Our God is both love and truth. Seeking love and truth we seek Him, whether we realize it or not. Longing for Him and seeking Him we are safe: as we stay close to Him, His protecting hand is over us.

The same desire to praise and thank God is behind these plaques. They point to our Lord and Creator who speaks to us in the beauty of nature. Worldwide around 2000 of these plaques remind us to give God the glory.